Unfortunately our whole suburb seems to be riddled with a range of noxious weeds. While I drive around our area I can't help but notice that most people's lawns comprise of this nasty onion like weed which in summer had cute little purple flowers and kikuyu grass. Our property is no exception! Just walking around the front and back yards today I am sure I spotted over 10-20 different weeds. There is no avoiding the kikuyu and oniony stuff. I started digging a patch of the front garden and pulling out that oniony stuff by hand, and while that hasn't really come back there seems to be a 'lovely' sprouting of other weeds. Where did these weeds come from? I don't know how we are going to turn this weed infested land into a garden, especially without the use of chemicals. Sometimes I feel like crying just because I cannot see an end to this infestation. No sooner than I pull things out I find twice as many sprouting in their place.
Here are some photos of what we are dealing with.
Some bulb weed that has purple flowers in spring/summer, can't seem to find a name for it
This is another that's popped up recently and for which I cannot find a name.
Kikuyu grass we also got couch grass
Small-flowered Mallow
There's also a lovely range of other weeds I've been able to identify as
Ground Ivy
Arum Lily
Fat Hen- suspected
Common Sowthistle
As you can see if weeds were prized then I'd have an award winning garden! There's everything here but the kitchen sink, so to speak.
And it is EVERYWHERE... God help us! From what I've been reading online it will be at least 2-3 years before we start planting anything in this garden. F*$#
it will cause a good gain in strength and aggression. Unfortunately, it just has too many side effects for the amount of benefits you get. The muscle “water” is easily lost after the cycle and it’s likely your cholesterol values will be seriously skewed unless you are very strict on your diet. This compound is just too dry to make for a fun Halotest cycle.